Monday, May 12, 2008

Here come the Route Sheets!

As much fun as it was to ride the route, it'd be a mistake to say that the work's all done. In fact, it's only begun: After the writing comes the riding.

One of the key parts of the Trans-Iberian Express is the creation of a series of maps and route sheets, in both Spanish and English, that gives cyclists the chance to do the route for themselves. This is actually a LOT more work than actually riding the route, since I've got to go back and double-check information like the names and numbers of towns and highways, phone numbers and the like, so please bear with me as I get everything up and going.

I'm aiming to have all of the days written up and posted by the end of May. If things go well (and the weather still sucks this week), I'll probably have the first week's worth of sheets done today and the first three weeks done and up by Saturday.

You can see the entire list of sheets online at:

The first week is done....
Day One: Hondarribia to Errenteria-Lezo:
Day Two: Andoain to Lekunberri:
Day Three: Lekunberri to Pamplona:
Day Four: Pamplona to Estella:
Day Five: Estella to Logroño:
Day Six: Logroño to Haro:
Day Seven: Haro to Atapuerca:
Day Eight: Atapuerca to Salas de los Infantes:
Day Nine: Salas de los Infantes to Burgo de Osma:
Day Ten: Burgo de Osma to Retortillo de Soria:
Day Eleven: Retortillo de Soria to Sigüenza
Day Twelve: Sigüenza to Brihuega (provisional - I need to find a better first half to Almedrones):
Day Thirteen: Brihuega to Morata de Tajuña:

Once the sheets have been done and translated, I'll then expand this website so that each page of the website has all the information that you need to do the route.

And, as always, please let me know if you find any mistakes or problems with the sheets!

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