Thursday, January 31, 2008

Never fear...we've got gear!

Buying gear for cycling trips is one of those things which seem to divide cycle tourists.

On the one hand, there's a way of thinking which dictates that, to be a REAL cycle tourist, one should only travel with the bare minimum of equipment, camping in bushes on the side of the road, cooking all of one's own meals and trying to get in as many kilometres as possible every day.

On the other hand, there's the school of thinking that says, "Look, we're already working hard enough as it is: where's the virtue of making it even more difficult? What's wrong with having a portable espresso maker, a good-quality sleeping bag, a tent that lasts more than a year?"

It's not my job to declare which point of view is the right one -- each has its good points and its bad points -- and let's be honest: Unless you're the protagonist of Ron McClarty's "The Memory of Running", you're not likely to up and leave home with your bike and precious little else. If you're looking to invest in new gear, check out the Trans-Iberian Tuck Shop, on the side bar of both the Spanish Cyclepaths ( and Trans-Iberian Express blogs.

Through the Tuck Shop, I'm working to put together a good selection of lightweight, affordable, useful cycle touring gear that will last for ages. All of the proceeds from the Tuck Shop will go to defray costs associated with developing and promoting the Trans-Iberian Express Route, and thanks to the buying power of, the prices of the items are very competitive.

And I'd be delighted to receive requests and suggestions. If there's a product that you're interested in, let me know - and let me know if you've tried any of these products and they haven't worked for you.

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